Frequently Asked Questions
Please see below for some of the most common questions asked by our customers.
If you don’t see the answer you are looking for, please use the contact form to get in touch.
The Licensing Objectives are at the core of all Licensing Applications.
They are:
- Prevention of Crime and Disorder.
- Public Safety.
- Prevention of Public Nuisance.
- Protection of Children from Harm
All organisations and individuals must run their business with a view to promoting these licensing objectives.
A Premises Licence is a licence that is granted by a Local Licensing Authority for a particular premises or location which authorises the licence holder to carry out licensable activities:
A Premises Licence is required when you offer or provide one or more licensable activities, they are, the sale of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment, the provision of late night refreshment. A Premises Licence or a club premises certificate is a permanent licence granted for a specific location, that authorises the holder to carry on any or all of the licensable activities.
DH Licensing would need 1-2 weeks to collect all the required information, following this there is a 28-day application period. So it will take approximately 5-6 weeks to obtain your Premises Licence.
When a licence is applied for it is sent to all responsible authorities in the relative council area, for example these would include Police, Licensing, Fire and Environmental Health. All these authorities may wish to object. The applicant must also display their application at the Premises; this may generate some objections for members of the public.
Yes, during the 28-day application period there may be minor objections, these are called “Representations”, these can potentially be dealt with and not halt the process. If there had been representations and no agreement can be reached the applicant can then ask for a Hearing where these issues would be discussed. If this is not agreed at the hearing the applicant can then appeal. These processes are usually dealt with within a 21-28 day time frame. However, in the current Covid climate these are being delayed. DH Licensing can advise on all these procedures.
There is potential for applicants to apply for 24 hours in certain circumstances, however these are rare. Generally an applicant would suggest their preferred hours and DH Licensing would then advise as to the potential and responsibilities.
A Premises Licence is granted on a permanent basis with the holder having to pay an annual fee. However, if the business is not run with regards to the Licensing Objectives then the authorities can request a review and the licence could be under threat.
Yes, if this is done at the time of Transfer there would probably be no fee, if it did result in a fee, this would be £10.50 payable to the issuing council.
This may be dependent on the business itself. For example, a small family business, say a convenience store would probably need on the one and he or she would be the Designated Premises Supervisor for the business. However, a nightclub with late hours and a large capacity may have the need for more. DH Licensing could advise on the probability regarding this.
The Sale of Alcohol by Retail.
The Provision of Regulated Entertainment.
Late Night refreshment.
The Supply of Alcohol in Club Premises.
Dependent of the applicant’s requirements these would from part of any Premises Licence Application.